Sept. 1966: The Brothers Alpha Phi Omega (APO) Fraternity of the Delta Chapter Philippines circa 1966, from L# 1 Renato Perez, L #2 Virgilio Macalinao, L#3 - kneeling, me , 4-kneeling, Warlito Boquiren ChE66, L#5 Johnny Lee, ?,L#7 Roberto Sobrepena, L#8 hidden halfway Camilo Assuncion Standing on the far left Derige (the brother of Rosalina Corbet, Mario Templado, Rolly Calumpong, Joe Calvo, Cesar Frias, Jojie Catibog, ?, Advisor Prof. Sevilla and daughter, Bonni Tong, Alex Tiquia, Jonah Molina. More than 350,000 members have joined Alpha Phi Omega National Service Fraternity since it's founding, at 366 college campuses here in the US alone, not counting other countries. Our mission is to prepare campus and community leaders through service. Our purpose is to develop leadership, to promote friendship and to provide service to humanity....... ASC
45 years later, Feb 19, 2011: After the years of absence from the Alpha Phi Omega fraternity, I rejoined the fold and found the warmth of friendship. Getting reacquainted with old friends and meeting new brothers. I am in my advance years, but my youth came back amongst the Brods, which is invigorating. I am very much in good company when I say ahh youth, as the older Brods Tito Cerdan at age 84 can still hang around with us, Rey Cacabelos, and Cesar Frias, who are from earlier batches, can feel the same thing in their hearts, as emotions betray them.
I intend to make a separate blog entirely for APO, ie. like my Sixties, and then place all the pictures of our Valentine excursion from Stockton, California.
Rejoiced, as it was a sweet reunion too, of my long lost best buddy Brod Cesar who was also a neighbor a classmate at MIT a twin brother in our escapades on dates and trips to Tanay. We have not seen each other for 45 years. We just have to makeup for the lost years, ie. the same with Brods Rey Cacabelos, Fortune Cumigad, Jonah Molina.
We give our sincere appreciation to the family of Brod Jonah and Rose for the warm, kind accommodations and specially to Marjoe and Jo Ann for the warm beds rendered. The food was excellent.
You guys missed the "alimango" when Mel Gonzales of ETA chapter came in after lunch.
I hope to see you again in the near future, as the warm and cordial mood pervading the celebrants and guests was uplifting to the spirit. The only thing I wish, was to remember all the names of the Brods present during the gathering like Jojo Lobusta, Jun Malan, Tony Santilan, Larry of Gamma, Oliver our youngest, Trigo from Dist7, Betcha Dist4, (Caltrans designation for areas in California of which I was in HQ Sacramento and Dist. 4 San Francisco during the 60’s /my youth) Reigel my neighbor from the Bay Area, Ferdie who was an inspirational MC, Joel Pablo, who was kind enough to share his prize, Oca Atienza a long lost acquaintance from my MIT years. Forgive my senior mind in the advent of forgetfulness, if I was not able to mention the rest of the Brods.
To those who did not make it, it was a fine dignified affair at the Hilton, that continued on toward the wee hours of the AM at Brod Jonah’s place to the consternation of the neighbors. I think some of the Brods continued their celebration outside, and got shooed away by some friendly but sleepy neighbors. With all the talk, laughter, and joyous celebration, I can not wait for the next one. Till we meet again….ASC
Hi Brod El Prez Jonah Molina, the other officers of the APO Delta Chapter Overseas Alumni Association, , Committee members of the different committees and all those who in one way or another were involved in the preparation and in organizing an enjoyable and memorable valentine's day celebration, CONGRATULATIONS. Just so sad that the fun and merry making and the last miniute meeting had to be cut short by house rules and the meeting had to be continued in Brod El Prez Jonah's place. That was indeed an affair to remember and I am so glad and happy that I did not miss this wonderful occasion. The atmosphere that pervaded was so cordial that one could feel the happiness and the close comeraderie of all the attendees. The program was short but was full of fun and enjoyment and the music so enticing that even the elderly could not help but join in the fun.. Sister Betcha and the other lady sister really did a wonderful job prepaing the venue and the parlor games, bursting the balloon, blowing the balloon, the raffle, etc. were all but terriffic. Thank you all , for inviting me to this occasion. I am so happy that God has granted my prayers to give me strength to be able to endure the rigors of the gathering so I could renew acquaintances wih kabrods that I met in 2009, during my first time ever to attend a gathering of Apo Deltans since I was initiated to the Fraternity in 1952. I am afraid that Mr. Alzeimer is fast approaching on me that I may not be able to remember all of those whom I met in 2009. .It was also an opportune time to meet new ones. I could not help but remember with heartfelt gratitude and thanks that it was Brod Joel Pablo who woke me up from my deep slumber as a Deltan. It was Brod Joel who introduced me to the APO Delta Chapter Alumni Association USA and Canada.Valentine's Day celebration in Sacramento CA., in 2009. This was my first time ever to attend a gathering of APO Deltans since 1952. Thanks to Brod Jun Malan, who together with hiis wife Vangie, fetched me from San Jose, so I could attend the celebration. Also my thanks to Brod Tony and his Wife Anne, for the nice Jacket and cozy accomodation then. Thanks to Brod Ben Gacusan for taking me back home to San Jose. Brods Ben Gacusan, Sam Pitman, Enting Ellescas, who are all in the Philippines right now and were not able to join the fun, (I missed you guys), and Brod Ferdie del Rosario, dropped by my place in San Jose on their way to the reunion in September 2009, to find out if I can join them to the reunion. Much as I wanted very much to do so, my health condition at the time did not warrant my joining them.By the way, Brod Ferdie, together with wife Betcha were not only great MCs but were also a very cordial hosts. With them around one can always be at ease. I would like to acknowledge with gratitude the kind help of Brod Jojo Lobusta, whom I met only two weeks ago but had become so intimate, that we are now like friends of long ago. It was Brother Jojo, who picked me up and brought me back to San Jose and he was also my tutor in the new APO hand shake and whistle. These new tricks came in handy during the sumptous brunch gatherng at Brod Jonah and Sis Rose place.. IIt was amusing to see kabrods , the young ones, looking amazed upon hearing a whistle imanating from , the young once, an old guard of the 52s. Thanks to the proddings of my Tutor Brod Jojo. we almost slightly put the house down. It was during this time that I did have the pleasure to exchange short pleasantries with Brod Fortune Cumigad and Brod Bong Hernandez. I hope we will have a longer chit .chat next time .around. Upon arrival at Brod Johna's place,. where we were received so warmly that I felt instantly at ease, we introduced ourselves to all the Brods and Sis who were already there, I had the pleasure of meeting for the first time, ka brods who like me may likely be called "The Young Once". There was Brod Alex Custodio, who said he had been in the USA for the past 45 years without having gone back to the Philippines since then. Brod Alex was to become our room mate with Brod Jojo for the night so early morning re of the next day we did have a brief but interesting exchange of views. Brod Jonah, Sis Rose, Jomar and Jo Anne thank you so much for the cozy and wonderful accomodation. IIt was a pleasure to meet Brod Cesar Frias and his wife Cora, who, If only to emphasize the need for unity and closer comeraderie in the group,,drove all the way from Windsor, Canada to Stockton, USA, a distance of only more than three thousand miles, just to attend the Valentine's Day celebration.. Thus he said, he also proved to his darling wifey Cora that he can still drive to another gathering like this in the near future. Brother Norie Cacabelos , whom I had the pleasure of meeting in 2009, although now maybe considered as one of the "Young Once", did compete with the "Young Ones",led by Brod Reigel and wife Mindy, in the dance floort giving the impression to all and sundry that "Hindi pa kami Laos". Though only for a brief chat I was so happy to learn from Sis Linda that your health condition has greatly improved. Carry on Brod, just do it. Am so sorry Brod Norie if my attendance deprived you and the other "Young Once" Brods the Calling as the "Most Senior" among the attendees. I did so again in 2009 when I did deprive Brod Ben Gacusan of the Calling. Pero huag kayong mainip mga Brod. You will have your time.. It was a pleasure to meet Brod Wilson Lauchang who was always there ready to assist in many ways. Brod Wilson, Jo Anne, and Brod Jojo thank you so much for taking pictures for me, Then there was Brod Larry, who dropped by and whom I had a very pleasant chit chat. I was happy to meet and talk to his wife Elsa? in the Bolinao dialect which is an adulterated Zambal dialect, her native tongue.. Sitted at our Table No 4, were myself, Brod Joel "Abu Bakar" Pablo,, Brod and Mrs Trigo Leyva, Brod Anthony Ty,his wife Fe and daughter Karissa, and Brod Oca Atiensa. The encounters of Brod Trigo as a Coast Guard which he and Brod Joel presented as a comedy skit was very amusing.and very impressive. The affair was indeed a success and once again congratulations to the Officers of the Association headed by Brod El Prez Jonah Molina and the Committees who were responsible in making the affair a resounding success. …Brod Tito Cerdan |
Brod Alex, I'm glad you enjoyed our gathering and we look forward to seeing you again. I myself had a good time mingling with brothers and sisters from Batch 1952 (Tito Cerdan) to Batch 2000 (Oliver Vergara) and those in between. It was nice to see Brod Saniel Cuison (Batch 1980) play the guitar (ala Neal Schon of Journey) and made us dance all night long. It was fun seeing the 60's brods participate in a baloon game to see who could "blow" the biggest balloon! It was nice to see Brod Cesar Frias and wife Cora, who drove over 3,000 miles from Windsor Canada and bravely climbed over the snowy Sierra mountains, experienced using tire chains, and had a flat tire on his way to Stockton, to endure all of these and still inspire us with his Unity speech. It was especially nice to see Brod Norie and wife Linda lead the line dance and made us look like amateurs. It was nice to see everyone enjoyed each other company
and drank the wine (all 12 bottles) and beers - as Brod Tito Cerdan call it "agua de pataranta". It was nice to hear my batchmate, our comedian Brod Joel na "nataranta" as Abubakar and surprisingly a junior Abubakar is emerging - Brod Trigo who gave us an insight of the funny side of being a soldier in Iraq. A brave soldier indeed he is and an emerging Abubakar. It was nice to hear President Jonah speak about our fraternity and how it has shaped our lives from our college days to now. Lastly, it was nice to see everyone helped out to make the event a success. Oh what a night!!! In LFS, Brod Ferdie
Brods/Sis, Hereunder are the links to the various video clips/pictures of our Valentines party at the Hilton Hotel in Stockton. Emceed by Brod Ferdie del Rosario (Batch '75C) and wife Sis Betcha (Batch '77), the 2011 Valentines Party was a complete success. From the favors and centerpieces made by Sis Betcha, to the room set-up prepped by Anne Santillan, Mindy Abueg, and Minda Abalos, set a very meaningful Valentines ambiance. The slide show, put together by Brod Wilson Lautchang (Batch '72), made us reminisce the past Valentine affairs. We were honored by the presence of Brod Tito Cerdan (1952- Charter Member), and Brod Oliver Vergara, (Batch '2000C), the oldest and youngest attendees. Brod Jojo Lobusta (Batch '88A), who took charge fetching Brod Tito, felt a great relief on learning that Brod Oliver will be attending because he will not be considered the most junior in the group and thus avoid being the"utusan". Brod Cesar Frias (Batch '62-eta) and wife Cora of Windsor, Canada travelled by car for three days and two nights just to attend the party. "No regrets" they said, because 'the party was well worth their long travel'. Brod Fortune Cumigad (Batch '64), also travelled alone continuously for 6 1/2 hours to join us. Brod Alex Custodio (Batch '64), after 45 years of hibernation, for the first time joined us in the gathering. Brod Anthony Ty (Batch '82B) and wife Fe came with their beautiful daughter Karissa. Some brods, in their eagerness to arrive early forgot to bring their party suits and had to go to the mall to buy themselves one. Brods Bong Hernandez (Batch '75C), Wilson Lautchang, Joel "Abu Bakar" Pablo (Batch '75C), and Oca Atienza (Batch 64-eta) came one day earlier and played golf in the early morning of Saturday. Brod Oca Atienza, despite his gout insisted on playing. Right after they finished the 18th hole they joined other brods to a luncheon party hosted by a brod Mel Gonzales of Eta. Brod Norie Cacabelos (Batch '61-beta) and wife Linda and the rest of the attendees enjoyed dancing to the continuous live music from the band of Brod Saniel Cuison (Batch '80B). Songs from the old sixties to the new raps filled the dance floor air. The party was not complete without the energy and laughter-filled parlor games planned and conducted by Sis Betcha del Rosario, Brod Rigel Abueg (Batch '77B) and his wife, Mindy. The Iraq experience of Brod Trigo Leyva (Batch '77B) was transformed into a hilarious skit by Brod Joel that brought the house down. Through the untiring efforts of Brod Tony Santillan (Batch '69A), Brod Jun Malan (Batch '70), and Brod Joel Pablo, we were able to come up with a Souvenir Program which will serve as our reminder that the Valentines affair is one event that brings closer camaraderie among us. You are invited to view jonathan molina's photo album: Delta's Annual Valentine Affair - 2011
Lunchtime, Saturday and Brother Mel Gonzales Eta ’77 invited the Delta Brothers at Jonah’s place. However, after Brother Mel had said the grace for lunch, I had to accompany Brother Jonah to go back at his place who got a call from Jun Malan and wife Vangie. All we can think of was the sumptuous feast the Brothers were having at Mel’s while Bro. Jonah was driving on an empty stomach and I just had six roasted peanuts on the shell. I was imagining the crunchy piece of “chicaron with meat” at Brother Mel’s table when all of a sudden, I noticed that Bro. Jonah was entering the opposite ramp of the freeway – I told him ”Look out bro, the white arrow is pointing in our direction!” Perhaps it was the existing hunger or an Alzheimer’s moment that got into him. Thank God, I was able to notice it and there was no vehicle exiting the freeway or we’d be spending the Valentine Affair at the hospital. After two more unsafe lane changes accompanied with two loud honks from irate drivers, we arrived alive at Jonah’s place. What luck it was, Jun Malan told us that he forgot his suit and coat for the party thus, we have to go out again and accompany him at the mall to get one. Actually, it was a blessing in disguise - Jonah remembered that he haven’t picked up his pants in the cleaner as well. Going back at Jonah’s place, we found Brother Alex Custodio - Delta ’64 and Brother Fortune’s batchmate, Brother Jojo Lobusta ’88 who picked up Brother Tito Cerdan, Charter’52. After my lunch of pear and a packet of Sky Flakes (lost my appetite), I asked Jonah that I need to go to the hotel and get dressed. On the driveway, we saw Brother Tony Santillan who just arrived and wearing a frown – the reason why? Well, he was also missing his pants and what happened next was Jonah had to take Tony with us, drove him to the mall and pick him up after dropping me at the hotel. Hey, we found a new talent during the program – Trigo “Trigger” Leyva and yours truly, Abu Bakar! Brother Ferdie, the MC called me up for my Abu Bakar jokes during the course of the program as usual but, I wasn’t really prepared. Remembering Brother Trigo telling us his funny experiences during his training and post Iraq days the night before, I just decided to call him up on the stage and interviewed him as one of our “unsung heroes.” The whole antic turned out as a comedy act that made the Brothers and guests in the audience roared with laughter. FYI, Brother Trigo is a reserved Coast Guard and a member of the elite Delta force (like you, I am also wondering how it happened J!). One of the funniest moments came right after the party when everyone decided to go back at Brother Jonah’s place for a nightcap. Brother Oca Atienza Eta’64 – upon seeing everyone’s condition (wasted as ever), had volunteered to drive for us, a senior doing a service to the younger Brothers, thank you, Brother Oca! After staying there until 4:00 am, Brothers Rigel, Bong Anthony Ty, and yours truly went back to the hotel. Bong was surprised to find out that because he was all wasted, he wrongfully put on the wrong pair of shoes – no shoelaces. And mind you, he was ever so careful on not to step on the laces while treading the wet sidewalk! Brother Wilson couldn’t go back to sleep anymore because he was dying of laughter. Wilson suggested that he just took it with him and send it back later since we were in a hurry, but Bong said that it was an expensive pair making it mandatory to return to Brother Jonah’s place. It was Brother Alex Custodio’s shoes that Bong wore by mistake. : Finally, it was time for us to depart. Tight handshakes and hugs were exchanged. Brother Oca couldn’t help getting misty eyed, he has to wear his Ray Bans to hide it. Sadness and happiness both can be seen on each other’s faces as we bade goodbye to the brothers at Jonah’s place. I can’t forget the tight hug that Brother Tito made – reluctantly letting you go, his eyes reddened with tears. Thanks so much to Brother Jojo Lobusta for teaching Brother Tito the “APO whistle”. It was fun watching Brother Tito sound that whistle with a nod and a wink! I miss you all my dear brothers. Brothers Cesar Frias, Alex Custodio, and Oliver Vergara, I am really honored to meet you all and I hope to see you again and let the experience remind you of what we are. It was one of the most memorable event and I felt sorry for all who missed it. Manang Linda, Brother Norie’s wife said: “This is the most alive and joyous Valentine Party that they had attended.” Lastly let us remind ourselves what brother Cesar Frias stressed in his word of wisdom – “Let unity be the main reason to keep the fraternity alive!” Always in LFS, Bro. Joel
Through the untiring efforts of Brod Tony Santillan (Batch '69A), Brod Jun Malan (Batch '70), and Brod Joel Pablo, we were able to come up with a Souvenir Program which will serve as our reminder that the Valentines affair is one event that brings closer camaraderie among us. Invocation APO Delta Valentine's Party be at peace... out of the depths of our hearts yes, sometimes we struggled to be at peace Amen |
Field First Sergeant, lol! you were the wily coyote In the twilight of age all things seem strange and phantasmal, As between daylight and dark ghost-like the landscape My heart goes back to wander there, And among the dreams of the days that were, I find my lost youth again. And the strange and beautiful song, The groves are repeating it still: "A boy's will is the wind's will, And the thoughts of youth are long, long thoughts." I should not be withheld but that some day into their vastness I should steal away, Fearless of ever finding open land, or highway where the slow wheel pours the sand...RF |
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