Thursday, October 10, 2024



Depending upon mission needs, the ship can be outfitted with different modules that include:

■Manned aircraft, such as a helicopter and flight crew
Manned and X-45 Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle (UCAV)

■Amphivious assault ship armed with multi mega watts lasers, SAM and anti ship missiles

The entire

 craft made


 Titanium alloy


  • Design of a Nuclear Fusion Reactor"In this machine is a delicate orchestra of electronics pushing two plasma rings into a violent collision, and catching that collision in a magnetic trap in the center, which proceeds to shrink until the ions trapped within it have nowhere else to go but to fuse, overcoming one of the universe's strongest forces to create new elements in the belly of a man-made machine."

In this day and age, we are now in the first stages of development of an Orbital Test Vehicle by the Air Force. They only revealed few details about the OTV mission. There has been a suggestion it could be part of a push for a US Space Force.

The US Air Force's X-37B unmanned space plane (pictured) is nearing one year in orbit as part of its fifth secretive mission
The US Air Force's X-37B unmanned space plane (pictured) is nearing one year in orbit as part of its fifth secretive mission

With the new anti Gravity Technology, the U.S. can be more than prepared to dominate Chinese space-based radar, and neutralize the  A2/AD Chinese strategy and undermine the Chinese system in the Pacific. It is important that the U.S. seriously consider both these flying anti gravity aircraft carrier technologies that has access to space and capabilities to develop anti-satellite weapons to remove this threat, but also to think very hard about the policy issues about whether we want to wage war in space, whether we want to pursue weapons in orbit. The conventional wisdom of the U.S. for a long time is that space is a unilateral U.S. advantage and if we could somehow make space a demilitarized zone that this could benefit the U.S. In the emerging world of potentially very-long reach Chinese A2/AD, that older assumption that space is a unilateral U.S.-advantage is subject to serious challenge. If China has military access to space, the military prognosis in the Western Pacific could be radically different.

Then say let’s at least take seriously the idea that the U.S. might want to deny military sanctuary in space to the Chinese, what would be involved in that is the Chinese won’t grant us sanctuary either. Anti-satellite weapons have massive cost advantages over satellites. If sanctuary is denied in space either side is going to be able to destroy satellites vastly more cheaply than either side can replace them, but that means the U.S. would have to be prepared to make war without access to space.
The most primitive antigravity technology is electrogravitic. This involves using voltages in the millions of volts to disrupt the ambient gravitational field. This results in an 89% reduction in gravity’s hold on airframes in such vehicles as the B-2 Stealth Bomber and the TR3-B Astra triangular craft.

And given the considerable ambient ionization field I observed around the X-22A, it is reasonable to assume that extreme-voltage electrogravitics is also employed with these craft.

U.S. Navy has been granted a patent on theoretical aircraft resembling recently-reported UFOs that could bend the laws of physics to fly through water, air, and space

The U.S. Navy patented a technology that could bend the laws of physics Theoretical tech would allow the craft to travel through air, water, and space By creating a 'quantum bubble' the craft could achieve 'extreme speeds' Descriptions of the craft are similar to recent UFO sightings by the U.S. Navy A letter from the U.S. Navy states that China is 'investing heavily' in the tech The U.S. Navy has been assigned a patent on an aerospace technology that is eerily similar to a string of UFOs described by fighter pilots. A technology patented by an aerospace engineer working at the Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) describes a 'hybrid' craft that is capable of flying at breakneck speeds in the air, water, and even space using an unprecedented electromagnetic propulsion system. As reported by The Drive, when looking over a patent on the technology, an examiner for the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office responded with skepticism that such a craft exists only to receive a personal letter from the Chief Technology Officer of the U.S. Navy, who explained that Chinese researchers are 'investing significantly' in the craft.

A patent shows a theoretical spacecraft (pictured above) that proposes altering the laws of physics to achieve unparalleled speeds and maneuverability.

The next level up of sophistication is magnetogravitic. This involves generating high-energy toroidal fields spun at incredible rpm’s, which also disrupts the ambient gravitational field, indeed to the extent that a counterforce to Earth’s gravitational pull is generated . The early British aeronautical engineers called this dynamic counterbary . This may have been used in some earlier American saucers and prototypes, but I have only been told that the secret Nautilus spacefaring craft uses magnetic pulsing , which appears to utilize this technology.

The United States anti-gravity bomber is ready to take over the world. While gravity control propulsion may sound like science fiction, recent developments suggest that the United States has made significant strides in this cutting-edge technology. The creation of an anti-gravity bomber with capabilities beyond imagination has left the world in awe. What is this groundbreaking aircraft, and are there others like it in existence?

The third level of sophistication, that used in the more modern American antigravity craft, is direct generation and harnessing of the gravitational strong force. Such a strong-force field extends slightly beyond the atomic nucleus of Element 115, an exotic element donated by Star Visitor scientist-consultants to human scientists at S-4, a secret base south of Area 51. By amplifying that exposed gravitational strong force, and using antimatter reactor high energy, and then directing it, it is possible to lift a craft from the Earth and then change directions by vectoring the shaped antigravity force field thus generated. Important information about this third technology is available on Bob Lazar’s website.

(1.) This information is also described on the Bob Lazar video. Lazar worked on extraterrestrial technology at Los Alamos National Laboratory, and Area 51’s Site S-4. (2.) All of these technologies are primitive in comparison with the Star Visitors, whose craft utilize field propulsion powered by harnessing Zero Point Energy. Let us now examine these 13 advanced craft in more detail. The amount of information available for each varies; in some cases more is known, in other cases very little.

1) The B-2 Stealth Bomber is manufactured Northrop-Grumman. The Air Force describes it as a low-observable, strategic, long-range heavy bomber capable of penetrating sophisticated and dense air-defense shields. The Stealth Bomber has navigation and guidance systems directed by a classified Artificial Intelligence (AI) program. This AI is exotic, involving the connecting together of PCR-copied extraterrestrial brain tissue cells with advanced integrated circuits to fashion hybrid living “neuro chips”. The B-2 gets extra lift in-flight by the turning on of electro-gravitic fields along its wings and fuselage to partially neutralize the pull of gravity. Now you begin to see why why our 21 Northrop B-2s cost about a billion dollars each. (3.)

2) The F-22 Raptor advanced stealth fighter is built by a joint effort of the Lockheed-Martin Skunk Works and Boeing’s Phantom Works. In crude imitation of extraterrestrial starcraft, the guidance system of this aircraft incorporates special Artificial Intelligence (AI), meaning that Star Visitor genetic material is incorporated into the semi-alive and autonomously-functioning guidance system mated with the aircraft. In addition the F-22 has antigravity field propulsion capability, which is exercised selectively by the pilot who is in mental connection with the AI guidance system, which activates the antigravity propulsion as needed in coordination with the F-22’s conventional jet engine thrust, to effect the maneuvering of the F-22 Raptor. I have personally witnessed a F-22 stop on its tail in mid-air and dance slowly and gently about without regard for gravity’s pull.

3) The “next generation” F-35 Lightning II advanced stealth fighter is built by Lockheed-Martin, Northrop-Grumman and BAE. The F-35 also incorporates quasi-alive Artificial Intelligence and antigravity field propulsion, (recovered reworked Star Visitor technologies), in addition to jet thrust.

4) The Aurora is a moderate-sized spacefaring vehicle. The late National Security Council scientist Dr. Michael Wolf (4.) of NSC’s unacknowledged Special Studies Group subcommittee, (formerly called MJ-12), has stated that the Aurora can operate on both conventional fuel and antigravity field propulsion systems. He further stated that the Aurora can travel to the Moon. Wolf had also disclosed to me that the U.S. has a small station on the Moon, and a tiny observation post on Mars (5). Thus I doubt that Dr. Wolf would characterize the Aurora thus, unless it was a vessel already used in making such trips. He disclosed additionally that the Aurora operates out of Area 51, (Groom Dry Lake Air Force Station), at the northeast corner of the Nellis AFB Range, north of Las Vegas, Nevada.

5) The Lockheed-Martin X-33A military spaceplane is a prototype of Lockheed’s other spaceplane, the single-stage-to-orbit reuseable aerospace vehicle, the National SpacePlane. Lockheed-Martin does not say too much about its winged, delta-shape X-33 VentureStar, except to say that we are building it. To be at that stage of development for its public-program SpacePlane, clearly Lockheed-Martin has already long since built prototypes, as well as an unacknowledged military version, which I have dubbed the X-33A. The ‘A’ suffix stands for antigravity.

Colonel Donald Ware, USAF (ret.) told me that he had recently learned from a three-star General that the VentureStar X-33 has an electrogravitics (antigravity) system on board (6.). This virtually assures that the unacknowledged military antigravity version, the X-33 A, must surely also have electrogravitics on board. It is possible that what I have called the X-33A is the Aurora craft which Dr. Wolf described.

6) the Lockheed X-22A is a two-man antigravity disc fighter. The late Colonel Steve Wilson, USAF (ret.), stated that military astronauts trained at a secret aerospace academy separate from the regular Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs, CO. These military astronauts then operate out of Beale and Vandenberg Air Force Bases, Northern California From those bases, these military astronauts regularly fly trans-atmospherically and out into space (7). One of the aerospace craft they use, Colonel Wilson reported, is the X-22A.

Another informant, ‘Z’, aka ‘Jesse’, who formerly worked at the NSA, told me that the Lockheed X-22A antigravity fighter disc fleet is equipped with Neutral Particle Beam directed-energy weapons, that it is capable of effecting optical as well as radar invisibility, and that it is deployable for worldwide military operations from a new U.S. Space Warfare Headquarters, located in Utah. (8).

Recently I also heard from an Army engineer, formerly TDY’ed to NASA, who shall remain unnamed at his request. He also confirmed that Lockheed had made the X-22A, the two-man antigravity fighter disc which I had seen test-flown in a canyon adjacent to the main Area 51 operations zone. He explained why I had seen the X-22A so nervously flown during that test flight. He said that the original X-22A had had a standard altimeter hard-wired into it, but that such an instrument would give faulty readings in the craft’s antigravity field, which bends space-time. He had recommended that they instead use a gradiometer, which would function better. Apparently his suggestion was finally taken up, since in more recent years I have seen the X-22As flying more smoothly and confidently at high altitudes over and near Area 51.

Another informant who wishes his identity kept private related operational details about military deployment of antigravity disc craft which sound like the X-22A. He reports: ‘During operation Desert Storm a close relative of mine was in charge of a Marine Division right on the front. In the first days film footage and especially video-cams which a large number of G.I.s had were impounded, so they wouldn`t capture any sensitive material. Iraq was pumped up and Gung-Ho, since they had well over 50,000 troops ready to charge us, [and] since we only had about 3500 they knew of, and they knew [that], because of the close proximity of troops we couldn`t nuke them, so, they were assuming piece of cake . Wrong.

‘Two pictures my relative confiscated from one of his officers showed: 1. a large disc-shaped craft slightly in front of our men with a high intensity beam of light emitting out of it; then, 2. where men, equipment, etc. was [had stood], there only remained dark charcoal-like spots on the desert floor. We have had this technology for quite a while.’ The described disc was clearly an antigravity, levitating, aerial-weapons platform in the U.S. arsenal. Quite possibly it was the Lockheed X-22A two-man discoid craft, the real DarkStar, of which the unmanned drone X-22 DarkStar is but an aircraft ‘cover’ program to disguise the existence of this manned antigravity fighter disc, the X-22A.

Further, as ‘Z’ noted, the real manned discs come equipped with the latest Neutral Particle Beam weapons, which take apart the target at the molecular level. Star Visitor craft do not incinerate humans. Only human military fighters are so deployed. So the above report does not deal with any extraterrestrial event.

7) The Nautilus is another space-faring craft, a secret military spacecraft which operates by magnetic pulsing (9.). It operates out of the unacknowledged new headquarters of the U.S. Space Command, deep under a mountain in Utah. It makes twice-a-week trips up to the secret military-intelligence space station, which has been in deep space for the past thirty years, and manned by U.S. and USSR (now CIS) military astronauts. The Nautilus also is used for superfast surveillance operations, utilizing its ability to penetrate target country airspace from above from deep space, a direction not usually expected. It is manufactured jointly by Boeing’s Phantom Works near Seattle and EU’s Airbus Industries Anglo-French consortium. During travel to Washington State several years ago, I had a conversation with a former Boeing executive who worked in their Phantom Works, Boeing’s black projects division, (roughly the equivalent of Lockheed’s Skunk Works). The executive confirmed what I had earlier learned from an intelligence insider: that Boeing had teamed up with Europe’s Airbus Industrie to manufacture the Nautilus.

8) The TR3-A ‘Pumpkinseed’ is a super-fast air vehicle. The ‘Pumpkinseed’ nickname is a reference to its thin oval airframe, whose contours resemble that seed. It may be the craft identified as using pulse detonation technology for propulsion in a sub-hypersonic regime, and also uses antigravity technology for either mass-reduction or complementary field propulsion at higher speed levels. As air breathers, these Pulse Detonation Wave Engines (PDWEs) could theoretically propel a hypersonic aircraft towards Mach 10 at an altitude in excess of 180,000 feet. Used to power an trans-atmospheric vehicle, the same PDWEs might be capable of lifting the craft to the edge of space when switched to rocket mode.

9) the TR3-B ‘Astra’ is a large triangular anti-gravity craft within the U.S. fleet. Black projects defense industry insider Edgar Rothschild Fouche wrote about the existence of the TR3-B in his book, Alien Rapture (10).

The TR3-B does not depend solely or principally on its hydrogen-oxygen rockets. It is a highly reduced-gravity aerospace craft manufactured in secret “black programs” by Humans. The antigravity field produced reduces the vehicles weight by about 90% so that very little thrust is required to either keep it aloft or to propel it at Mach 9 speeds, or higher.

The TR-3B vehicle’s outer coating is electro-chemical reactive and changes with electrical RF Radar stimulation and can change reflectiveness, radar absorptiveness, and color. This is also the first US vehicle to use quasi-crystals in the vehicle’s skin. This polymer skin, when used in conjunction with the TR-3Bs Electronic Counter Measures and, ECCM, can make the vehicle look like a small aircraft, or a flying cylinder – or even trick radar receivers into falsely detecting a variety of aircraft, no aircraft, or several aircraft at various locations.

A circular, plasma filled accelerator ring called the Magnetic Field Disrupter, surrounds the rotable crew compartment and is far ahead of any imaginable technology. Sandia and Livermore laboratories developed the reverse engineered MFD technology. The plasma, mercury based, is pressurized at 250,000 atmospheres at a temperature of 150 degrees Kelvin, and accelerated to 50,000 rpm to create a super-conductive plasma with the resulting gravity disruption [reduction of almost all of the pull of gravity and effects of inertia].

The MFD generates a magnetic vortex field, which disrupts or neutralizes the effects of gravity on mass within proximity, by 89 percent. The MFD creates a disruption of the Earth’s gravitational field upon the mass within the circular accelerator. The mass of the circular accelerator and all mass within the accelerator, such as the crew capsule, avionics, MFD systems, fuels, crew environmental systems, and the nuclear reactor, are reduced by 89%. The current MFD in the TR-3B causes the effect of making the vehicle extremely light, and able to outperform and outmaneuver any craft yet constructed – except, of course, those back-engineered total-antigravity craft which the government does not admit exist. To see the 13 known antigravity craft of US manufacture, see:

The TR-3B is a high altitude, stealth, reconnaissance platform with an indefinite loiter time. Once you get it up there at speed, it doesn’t take much propulsion to maintain altitude.

With the vehicle mass reduced by 89% the craft can travel at Mach 9, vertically or horizontally. My sources say the performance is limited only the stresses that the human pilots can endure. Which is a lot, really, considering along with the 89% reduction in mass, the G forces are also reduced by 89%. The crew of the TR-3B should be able to comfortable take up to 40Gs.

The TR-3Bs propulsion is provided by 3 multimode thrusters mounted at each bottom corner of the triangular platform. The TR-3 is a sub-Mach 9 vehicle until it reaches altitudes above l20,000 feet – then who knows how fast it can go!
The reactor heats the liquid hydrogen and injects liquid oxygen in the supersonic nozzle, so that the hydrogen burns concurrently in the liquid oxygen afterburner. The multimode propulsion system can operate in the atmosphere, with thrust provided by the nuclear reactor, in the upper atmosphere, with hydrogen propulsion, and in orbit, with the combined hydrogen/oxygen propulsion. The engines are reportedly built by Rockwell.

10) The Northrop antigravity disc , (designation unknown), is manufactured by Northrop Aircraft Corporation. I have dubbed it the ‘Great Pumpkin’ from its brilliant ruddy golden-orangish glow. I first saw these craft operationally test-flown in 1992 above the Groom Range ridge line at Area 51, Nevada. Later I saw the same intensely burning-bright orange-gold craft that I had seen above Areas 51 being test-flown sixty miles north of Los Angeles, in the Tehachapi Mountains east of Edwards Air Force Base. There the Northrop has its secret saucer manufacturing works buried deep within the mountains. I saw the same intensely burning-bright orange-gold craft test-flown above Northrop’s mountaintop test bed there as I had seen above Areas 51/S-4 (11). When energized these discs emit their characteristic intense glow. It is reasonable to assume that this is due to strong ionization, and that electrogravitics is the methodology of their field propulsion.

11) The XH-75D or XH Shark antigravity helicopter is manufactured by Teledyne Ryan Aeronautical Corporation of San Diego (now part of Northrop-Grumman). USAF Colonel Steve Wilson reported that many of these XH-75Ds were assigned to the Delta/National Reconnaissance Organization Division which retrieves downed UFOs. That Division is also implicated in mutilating cattle as a psychological warfare program on the American public, to try to get citizens to fear and hate extraterrestrials through assuming that aliens are the ones cutting up the cattle. The XH-75D is also used in MILABS kidnappings of innocent civilians, who are drugged, hypnotized, and flown off in these silent antigravity craft and given the impression that they are aboard a “flying saucer”. Colonel Wilson USAF leaked the existence of the XH-75D “Shark”. (See photo of XH-75D under wrapping at:…_7005776_n.jpg )

12) The Northrop Quantum Teleportation Disc. Are the above antigravity-field propulsion craft the current state-of-the-art in advanced aerospace craft? No. There have been advances beyond “mere” antigravity field propulsion. Quantum physics is now being used to update a variety of aerospace craft and their weapons systems.

On a 09/16/05 field trip to the boundary of Area 51, during a middle-of-the-night observation, I saw first one, then another, and finally six brightly-lit objects suddenly appear at approximately 1000′ (305 meters) height above the desert floor. The intensely-glowing, ruddy, golden-orangish ionization field surrounding these craft appeared identical to the field around the Northrop antigravity disc. But in the 13 years since I had last observed the Northrop discs above Area 51, and at their Tehachapi Mountains manufacturing site, considerable progress has been made.

In 1992, the Northrop antigravity disc slowly rose vertically from its flight pad and gradually reached flight altitude. But in 2005 the Northrop Quantum Teleportation Discs are able to depart from their flight pad and suddenly appear at flight altitude without any visible ascent. And it is not a matter of their ionization field having been turned off during ascent for stealth purposes. The ionization field comes with electrogravitic field propulsion. If the ionization were turned off, the craft would have fallen from the sky. Rather what appears to be going on is that the Northrop engineers have incorporated quantum physics principles into the propulsion. Simply stated, Northrop appears to have harnessed quantum entanglement to achieve quantum teleportation. To the observer the craft simply ceases to exist on the flight pad and instantly begins to exist at, (in this case), 1000 feet altitude. If the interpretation of this observation is correct, then there exists an 12th entry in the U.S. antigravity arsenal, the Northrop Quantum Teleportation Disc.

If the black-budget scientists keep advancing along these lines, we could foresee the day when a fleet of Air Force craft suddenly “cease to exist” on the air base runway and instantly appear at 35,000 feet altitude over a target city halfway around the globe, using quantum principles of Non-locality and Entanglement.

America has used its enormous wealth to become the global super-power. The TAW-50 is but one example of its exotic, unnecessarily proliferative, and highly-destructive arsenal. The world awaits the day when America finds its soul, and pays more attention to matters of spirit, mind, and metaphysical development, and withdraws from its addiction to war toys.

It has been said that if the American people knew what the military had in their arsenal today, they wouldn’t believe it, and would think that someone was fantasizing about a George Lucas Star Wars movie episode.

But it’s not science-fiction. The future is already here.

The implications of these advanced antigravity craft, back-engineered by humans, are several. All of the antigravity technology is in the control of the organization conducting the UFO Cover-Up. This organization is so heavily infiltrated by Cabal types that Dr. Michael Wolf regretfully concluded that the Cabal had effective control of it. He should know; he was a high member of that Special Studies Group, [formerly MJ-12 ], buried within the National Security Council.

Since the Cabal effectively control the development and special uses of these craft, there remains a very high danger that the Cabal will use its growing antigravity fleet to try to repel the Star Visitors and even conduct Space War. Elements within the U.S. Air Force and the Naval Space Command are making preparations for such a Space War. (Added by goodetxsg: Air Force & Navy struggle over some aspects of Space control even with a unified agency)

What can we do about this as lightworkers, Star Kids, Star Seed adults or other humans of good will?

First is to keep ourselves informed about dangerous and evil uses which antigravity (and quantum) technology can be applied to.

Second is to contact our political representatives to oppose policies and weapons systems development that is oriented towards space warfare.

Third is to encourage the release of this technology into the civilian sector, where it can revolutionize transportation, energy generation, large construction projects, and other peaceful uses.

Fourth, the existence of this human technology is a two-edged sword for the Cabal. Not only is the existence of antigravity technology starting to get out to the public, but also the very existence of a massive worldwide organization conducting the UFO Cover-Up and confiscation of Star Visitor technology. As the public becomes aware that the Cabal have unfairly monopolized this technology for 50+ years, the public will become incensed at the Cabal for their greed and selfishness. This then becomes the opportunity to expose and discredit the Cabal, the Number One obstacle to human safety and progress.

A defense contractor with whom I have been in communication leaked to me details of a U.S. antigravitic space fighter-bomber, the Advanced TAW-50. Developed during the early 1990s, the capabilities of this war-bird are jaw-dropping. And the technology shows that the Defense Department did not fail to utilize what it learned combing through the wreckage of various UFO crashes.

The TAW-50 has speed capabilities well in excess of Mach 50, a number the contractor calls “a very conservative estimate.” Its actual speed “is classified.” Mach 1 is 1,225 kilometers per hour, (approximately 748 mph). That means that the TAW-50 is capable of moving way faster than 38,000 mph. In comparison, the velocity required to escape Earth’s gravity is 25,000 mph. And yes, the TAW-50 does go into space.

The TAW-50 has a SCRAM (supersonic ramjet) propulsion system for passing through the outer atmosphere.

The TAW-50 has a crew of four. Nevertheless, the TAW-50 flies so fast that it requires computers to fly it. These were developed by American Computer Company, who derived them from its Valkyrie XB/9000 AI [artificial intelligence] Guidance series. They utilize a RISC Milspec Superchip. “There are 180 of them in the flight control system, and 64 more in the weapons guidance system,” the contractor reported.

It can carry a combined payload of glide bombs and a package of MIRV (Multiple Independently-targeted Reentry Vehicles), mil-speak for a group of intercontinental ballistic missiles, each of which can seek out and strike a different target. The MIRV pack also contains reentry-capable balloon countermeasures to make it very difficult for laser and other defense weapons to track down where the real MIRVs are and intercept them.

The TAW-50 is armed with its own Kill Laser system, which can track and immolate SAM (Surface-to-Air missiles), STTA (Surface-To-Trans-Atmosphere missiles), ATA (Air-To-Air missiles), and ATTA (Air-To-Trans-Air missiles). The TAW-50’s killer lasers can also knock down high-performance fighter interceptors. The TAW’s Kill Laser is much smaller than the earlier 1980s-era SDI (Star Wars program) models, and has a miniaturized cooling core and 500 times the wattage. The contractor said it “uses a spontaneous nucleonic burst to trigger the lasing [laser] effect.”

In addition, the TAW-50 is armed with microsuperexplosive HyperDart missiles. These are just a little larger than ordinary aircraft cannon ammunition, but travel at hypersonic speed for up to three minutes, and have enormous explosive capability. One HyperDart can blow apart a MiG fighter anywhere within 20 feet of the HyperDart. The TAW-50 carries several hundred HyperDarts.

Because the TAW-50 is designed to operate in space, it has on board a two-day air supply. This air supply can be extended by using its scoop system and traveling into the upper atmosphere.

The TAW-50’s power supply is provided by a small nuclear power generator that the contractor said is “Normal-Inert”. The contractor said that the spaceplane uses electromagnetoferrometric power generation by the immersion of pellets in heavy water (deuterium) and specially-designed coil superconductive magnets, which yield enormous amounts of free electrons when placed in an immersion which has been triggered into an oscillating field state flux.

The TAW-50 utilizes electrogravitics to maintain its own artificial gravity while in weightless space, as well as to nullify the vehicle’s mass during operations.

The contractor did not reveal the size of the space fighter-bomber except to say, “It’s a pretty big thing.”

The performance of the TAW-50 makes it virtually impossible to defend against. It can hide in orbit many hundreds of miles into space, orbiting at times at 22,000 mph. Then, without warning, it can dive straight down through the atmosphere at over 38,000 miles per hour on an 80-degree attack vector, reverse direction within 150 feet of the ground with very little loss of motion and without a glide turn, and almost instantly go vertically straight up at over 38,000 mph until long after it leaves the atmosphere and resumes orbiting in space.

The contractor noted, “Those [electro-]gravitics allow it to change its mass to almost nothing in a moment, and reverse direction in a second, increase its acceleration to so many times G [Earth’s gravity] it’s not funny, yet they are able to nearly nullify the G force on the pilots. They [the electrogravitics] are fourth generation, with the ability to bring it to a complete standstill in under 2 milliseconds, if need be, without crushing the pilots, and keep it there for quite some time.”

The contractor notes, “It’s far too fast for tracking radars. ” And, he adds, what military aims its radars straight up?

The TAW-50 can be refueled and rearmed in orbit by docking with the secret undeclared Military Space Station that is in orbit. (See: ) The entire refueling and rearming procedure takes under 10 minutes. Who mans the gas pumps? Military astronauts trained at the Secret Air Force Academy, located in the hills west of the official Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs, CO. These military astronauts rotate duty by traveling to and from Vandenburg Air Force Base on other military antigravity vehicles.

As of 2002, the U.S. has 20 TAW-50s in its arsenal. But, as the contractor commented, “you could take out an entire nation in under 10 days with only 10 of these, doing three attacks a day. One can wipe out an entire city the size of suburban Cleveland in a single attack without having to use any nukes at all.”

The TAW-50 was jointly developed by the Lockheed-Martin Skunk Works (Palmdale-Helendale, CA) and Northrop (undoubtedly at their undeclared “Anthill” facility within the Tehachapi Mountains, northwest of Lancaster, CA.) Both companies have a history of development of secret anti-gravity craft at these Mojave Desert facilities.

The electrogravitics for the TAW-50 was produced by GE Radionics. Pratt & Whitney designed the SCRAM atmospheric penetrator technology. American Computing Company created the artificial intelligence supercomputers.


Materials of construction shall be that can float on water: Radical new material  a metal matrix could lead to 'indestructible' warships and ultralight cars. Metal matrix composite was developed with the US Army. Alloy is turned into foam by adding strong, lightweight hollow spheres. Warship made of it will not sink despite damage to its structure. Researchers have demonstrated a new type of metal so light it can float on water.

So what are the most significant barriers to entry for tech companies and how can they be lowered? How do companies in Silicon Valley view prospects for doing business with the federal government in the national security arena?" 

Yep, the assumption that building a bigger and more efficient killing machine are a necessary price for maintaining military superiority translates into fostering both big and small tech company advancement. In order to keep this endless parade going, seed money for startups are built into the black budgets that go unaccounted for when public monies go missing. As Activist Post reports, $10 Trillion Missing From Pentagon And No One — Not Even The DoD — Knows Where It Is, "Even though audits of all federal agencies became mandatory in 1996, the Pentagon has apparently made itself an exception, and — fully 20 years later — stands obstinately orotund in never having complied." 

Citing numerous case studies as to the operations of the government funding process, Forbes looks at These DARPA Darlings Just Raised $20M To Build A Super-Powered Google For The Internet Of Things. Actual money amounts to fund such projects are concealed, while DARPA administrative functions often provide a disclosed linkage, the cash flow is seldom traced to its final offshore banking account. 

This is not a cynical assessment, it is a factual conclusion based upon the enormous unaccountable monies that never seem to be significant enough for a serious Congressional investigation or a DOJ prosecution of wrongdoers. So the preposterous game goes on. 

The history of creating the internet, contrary to Al Gore, has a long involvement from government funding. "DARPA or the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, hatched ARPANET, based on the networking technologies that provided the foundation for the internet." So when such obscure companies as the 12 Early- And Mid-Stage Startups Backed By The CIA, Pentagon, And US Army, are dissected the average investor would have no familiarity with the companies. 

1. Ayasdi 

2. CounterTack 

3. Anomali 

4. Continuum Analytics 

5. ProtectWise 

6. Arctic Sand Technologies 

7. Evolv Technology 

8. Fuel3D 

9. Phantom Cyber 

10. Tribogenics 

11. Algorithmia 

12. Skincential Sciences 

If direct DARPA involvement is absent in such startups, often university research is used to further the development. The obvious role of government subsidies to academia is ignored, but such funding is crucial to keep the military-industrial complex on the cutting edge of chaos. 

Governments have always been in the business of securing the best instruments of war. However, in the cyber space of the mental illness to achieve oblivion, the development of DARPA Genetically Modified Humans for a Super Soldier Army, is beyond moral constraints. Paul A. Philips warns: 

"The genetic modification of specific human genes will give these soldiers certain characteristics advantageous on the battlefield, giving rise to the most amazing abilities and performances. 

Smarter, sharper, more focussed and more physically stronger than their enemy counterparts these soldiers will be capable of telepathy, run faster than Olympic champions, lift up record-breaking weights through the development of exoskeletons, re-grow limbs lost in combat, possess a super-strong immune system, go for days and days without food or sleep. 

Then there’s the emotional side. These soldiers will have the empathy genes deleted and show no mercy, while devoid of fear. 

Even more disturbingly, the “Human Assisted Neutral Devices program” involving brain controlling allows the ‘joystick’ remote operation of soldiers from some far away control centre." 

Creating a wired brain to take orders by remote control is a true gem of the descent into depravity. So when DARPA awards $65 million to develop the perfect, tiny two-way brain- computer interface, the future prospects of a zombie army is being funded with your tax dollars. 

"The recipients have a lofty list of goals to aspire to. Foremost is DARPA’s desire to develop “high resolution” neural implants that record signals from as many as one million neurons at once. On top of that, it requests that the device be capable of two-way communication — receiving signals as well as transmitting them back out. And it wants that capability in a package no larger than two nickels stacked on top of one another." 

The full list of NESD grant recipients: 

Paradromics, Inc. (Dr. Matthew Angle) 

Brown University (Dr. Arto Nurmikko) 

Columbia University (Dr. Ken Shepard) 

Fondation Voir et Entendre (Dr. Jose-Alain Sahel and Dr. Serge Picaud) 

John B. Pierce Laboratory (Dr. Vincent Pieribone) 

University of California, Berkeley (Dr. Ehud Isacoff) 

This is a far cry from the 12 Technological Advancements of World War I or the Top inventions and technical innovations of World War II. As DARPA proudly states, their 70 year history after the conclusion of WWII has been a mission of national security. Well, one need not be a Luddite to recognize that the MAD doctrine of mutual assured destruction expands to take into account the projects that DARPA nurtures and provides arsenals of cash to bring into development, borders on the theater of the absurd. 

For advocates of the DARPA culture like Amanda Ziadeh, describes How DARPA creates and sustains innovation with defining their Vital Mission. "The opportunity to change the world by preventing or creating “a technological surprise” inspires the staff and encourages program managers to innovate for the future and security of the country. Projects that protect warfighters, citizens and the cyber infrastructure fuel the drive toward innovation." 

Their own web site boasts that DARPA’s success depends on the vibrant ecosystem of innovation within which the Agency operates, and is fueled by partners in multiple sectors. The hidden role of one such partner is described in a column that Israeli team to help put ‘disaster robots’ on their feet

"The Robotics Challenge program is sponsored by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), an agency of the United States Department of Defense responsible for the development of new technologies for use by the military. The Israeli team, Robil, is one of eleven that will develop software for the GFE Platform being developed by Boston Dynamics, Inc., based on its Atlas humanoid robot platform and modified to meet the needs of the DARPA Robotics Challenge. The team, the only non-American group invited to participate, was awarded $375,000 to develop the software over the next nine months." 

"The Mossad funding is not a capital investment, and is equity free – meaning the Mossad just wants to be able to use the technology. At the end of development, the Mossad will receive a non-exclusive license to use the intellectual property developed during the project. 

The agreement with the Mossad does not confer any restrictions on the intellectual property, there is no need to pay royalties, and there are no other restrictions on the company." 

The natural inquiry would be to trace the connection between DARPA and all that lost secret defense monies and determine how much found its way into the coffers of the Mossad? 

Financing all these technological ventures are a major departure from the function of a capitalistic marketplace. Indeed, those days are a mere myth of how innovation is now germinated. Government subsidies are the norm or more rightly described, are the primary way that technology is created for military applications. 

DARPA may be viewed as an outstanding success for the imperial globalist cartel because the U.S. must be the enforcer of the transnational empire. Investing in such incubator projects comes with the blight of enhancing the weapons of worldwide enslavement. Crony relationships will tap into the money flow; but the technocrats, scientists and programmers bear a major responsibility for advancing the means of destroying the values of human dignity and societal civilization.